Brave Kids - Meet Josiah

This is Josiah.


Josiah has Downs Syndrome and was born with a heart condition that has required multiple heart surgeries. He's faced numerous medical procedures since birth. And Josiah has triumphed. He's gone from needing nourishment via a G-tube to being able to sit at the table and eat meals with his family. He's worked hard for everything he's learned. He's had hours and hours of intensive therapy to develop skills that come simply to other children.

He was nominated by his Aunt Elizabeth. Here's some of what she had to say.

Quite simply he is the bravest child I have ever known. He rarely cries or complains despite the many obstacles he has faced and he rises to the occasion with every challenge he has been given. He continues to beat the odds with a pure, unadulterated joy for life. To me that is true bravery.

Doesn't that smile melt your heart?